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Films & Scripts

On this page, you will find scripts I have written alongside their accompanying produced shorts.


"Fair Folk" is a 16mm short film produced as a student project in the fall of 2020. The story is about a hiker that gets lost in the woods and taken in by wicked fairies. Shot MOS.


Watch the film or read the script!


"The Elf's Bridegroom" is a digital short film produced as a student project in the spring of 2021. The story centers around a female elf and her human husband reminiscing about their chance meeting as we are visually taken through their lives. Shot MOS.


Watch the film or read the script!



"Oracle" is a digital short film produced as a student project in the fall of 2021. The story centers around a young apprentice priestess in a mysterious temple that will soon discover the true horror of the temple's Oracle.


SHORT COMING SOON - Read the script now!

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